consider Him...

All thru our day there are things that happen that we could just take as chance or coincidence, but are they?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

what did you see...?

What did you see when you thought about being a Christian? Did you see and huge mountain you would climb and when you got to the top God would be there? (Anyone remember the Little House episode when Laura climbed the mountain to talk to God?)

I don't know if it's because I came to know God at a young age or because of my imagination or what... but I realized this morning that I have always seen "Christianity" as more of a plateau with plenty of room at the top to live and grow. In Psalms 18 it talks about God enlarging the path so our feet will not slip...

I think/know God wants not just to enlarge our path, but to walk the path with us. I would encourage anyone who reads this blog to just "know" that Jesus wants to walk on the path with you ; even if you've chose a bumpy one right now, He knows a detour... lol

God bless!


  • At 10:50 AM, Blogger Brent F said…

    I don't really know what i saw...I think I saw a great big world with endless possibilities, and a myriad of confusing paths...some superhighways, some just a dirt path worn through a dense underbrush, some steep and rocky with slippery clay mixed in, and some smooth and easy with soft green grass unfoot. No matter what the road I have seen that Christ is there to point the way, take me by the hand, and talk me through the journey. He doesn't neccessarily tell me where I am going, and why I am on the TYPE of path I am on, but He does let me have Him, and You, and the boys, and several other close friends and family share the same path with me as I go...I love that part!

  • At 10:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    maybe you should write a book?

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Bee said…

    There is one path, it leads to God. It is just VERY varied.


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