consider Him...

All thru our day there are things that happen that we could just take as chance or coincidence, but are they?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We've been getting to know our new friend

Meet our new friend. We've spent a bit of time with this friend lately. We are finding our friend has many aspects to her that we didn't know about. Our friend hid from us for awhile but now our friend knows; hopefully, that we only want the best for her... (smile)

If we take time to get to know the people around us (even if it takes a broken down car) our life will be better for it...

Sometimes friendships take patience and time, but it's ALWAYS worth the end result. Take advantage of the opportunities that are put in front of you to spend time with people. You never know you may find as wonderful a person hiding in your friend as we did in ours! (smile)


  • At 12:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Thanks... I feel loved! Honestly... I really want my car back and I am praying that GOD will do something because that is totally the only way that anything for the car situations is going to happen, but I have enjoyed spending time and getting to know you guys better! Thank you so much for investing in me! I love you all! Thanks for letting me in to your home, family and most of all your hearts!

  • At 9:27 AM, Blogger Brent F said… emphasize what my 'sana' beautiful wife has said, we love our new friend, and really feel blessed by her thoughts and viewpoints on life! Let me also say that if you are always busy doing things (job,school,ministry,family)and not looking for the "people" in the things you are really missing the point of the things you do! I really struggled with this for years, and the Lord has recently opened my's like a fog lifting...just ask the lord to help, and I promise friends are right infront of your eyes!

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Wow... who is this person that you are speaking of?!?! LOL! I love you guys! Thanks so much!


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