consider Him...

All thru our day there are things that happen that we could just take as chance or coincidence, but are they?

Friday, June 24, 2005


So we went to Boston...
What a great time, It was so nice to be with my nieces and hear them share their passions and excitement about life.
I know we will always share the same heart for people...

Watching people go by to their busy lives I started thinking about how I could relate the Gospel to them. I mean something that happened and is over...

but it is not over and done with because every time I call out to Him He is there. From the times when I'm just talking to Him about my day and thanking Him for my family to the times I am crying out "help me, I'm loosing my mind!" :) He's there.

I can't imagine not having that sense that my Father is there watching and waiting for me to reach out to Him...

Going to the city, a real city, as Allie puts it, gives you a feel for a the differences there are in people, yet we're all the same, in need of a savior.
It's a great experience and I am so glad I shared it with "the girls".


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