consider Him...

All thru our day there are things that happen that we could just take as chance or coincidence, but are they?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Who is Fatter? Rather, who was Fatter? Fatter was our fish... Really Cole's fish.

Fatter passed away a few days ago.
He was a good fish, though he didn't do much other than swim on his back.

So, I found out there is actually a reason he would swim on his back, it's called "bloated fish disease". It happens when a fish sucks to much air...

So those times when we thought he was being friendly as he would come to the top of the bowl and "greet" us...

So be warned fish owners if you have a fish who sucks to much air...

Fatter was a good fish, we enjoyed seeing him doing those "tricks". What kind of animal shall we care for next?


  • At 1:53 PM, Blogger said…

    I will truly miss's funny how animal's personalities fit the personality of the owners. ;)

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The fish was indeed special.... I did miss seeing the silly fish swim upside down in the bowl! RIP Fatter!

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Brent F said…

    Not to get deep or anything, but don't you think that Fatter and the disease he died of was a good picture of the American Citizens infatuation with Consuming/Consumerism? When we find something we like/need...don't we act like we can never get enough...even if it kills us? Just a thought...Fatter I did not relize you could teach me so much?

  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger said…

    lol...that is why, uncle brent, I absolutely love living in this house. You have a way of turning the death of the stupid fish, fatter, into something worth thinking about. =) you're the best!


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